Evergreen Management
provides advice, services, and support
in all of the maintenance best practices.
Our services include:
// Maintenance Work Process and Strategy Evaluation and Validation
// Maintenance Planning, Scheduling Training and Coaching
// Maintenance Supervisior Training and Coaching
// Maintenance Leadership and Stakeholder Training and Coaching
// Periodic Maintenance Program Development, Planning and Implementation
(PM, PdM, Instrument Calibrations, Operator Maintenance)
// CMMS Consulting and Implementation
// Contract Maintenance Management Services
// Reliability Consulting and Support
// Maintenance Staffing and Placement
// Capital Project Management
The Evergreen maintenance improvement consulting process is very basic and composed of 5 steps:
1. Evaluate and Validate existing Maintenance Work Processes
2. Develop / improve Required Best Practice Work Processes
3. Provide classroom training and field coaching for all stakeholders
4. Recommend, Design, and Assist with Implementing KPI's to measure improvements
5. Perform Periodic Re-Evaluations and Validations
We can show, you and your leadership, the money with a comprehensive business case
and ROI calculator based on the assessment results.